Jan. 2024

How many times do we “Hit & Hope”?  For many of us this is a regular occurrence - hoping that the ball will go in when we hit it.   Can we all relate to that?  Advanced players do not do that.   They have swings that are built to “Travel”.  That means they have consistent and proper technique that is “Repeatable” and competitive no matter where they play.   No two players are alike - we all have our personal quirks that are not necessarily negative…but…when those quirks are obstacles to success then we need to consider adjustments.  In short, let’s 

work toward making a “Repeatable” swing with which we “Expect” Consistent Results.  We will discuss technique as we progress but  let’s develop a swing with which we are “surprised” that the ball did not go in rather than “relieved” that it did go in!

“Square Up, Stand Tall, Step n Hit”
